10 Interesting Facts About Mahabharata

  10 Interesting Facts About Mahabharata

1. According to Indian mythology, Mahabharat battle took place 5000 years ago.

2. Eklavya was the first archer to shoot an arrow with two fingers(Index and Middle)

3. Karna was a better warrior then Arjuna, Arjuna pushed Karna chariot 10 steps back every time but Karna was only able to push 2 steps backward, seeing this lord Krishna praised Karna this made arjuna very angry, when questioned by him Krishna said it was impossible for any human to ever push your chariot backward or even shake because the chariot of him contain the weight of all universe

4. Duryodhana had not participated in Draupadi swayamvara as he was already married to the princess of Kalinga Bhanumati and had promised her that he would never marry again and thus kept his word

5. Dhristatashtra's son Yugustsu did not participate in Mahabharat as he did not approve Duryodhana's actions

6. Around 8800 verses of Mahabharata are not solved yet.

7. Krishna is the most twisted character in the entire Mahabharata. He even had a fight with Arjuna and the fight was stopped by lord shiva.

8. Pandavas father had asked his sons to eat his flesh after his death so that entire knowledge may transfer to his sons but the only Sahadeva who had eaten the flesh and had the power to see the past and future 

9. There were foreign forces too that were involved in the fight of Mahabharata. there were forces from Rome and Greece too.

10. After Krishna's death Pandavas lost interest in their lives and started descending to heaven with a dog. All Pandavas died on the way except yudhistra and dog who made it to heaven 

What is your thought on the above points comment below 


  1. Your blog is just awesome bhai

  2. Thank you bro keep supporting

  3. Good. Keep it buddy :)

  4. Informative tone..��

  5. Kya baat hai sarkar������������
    hope you will cover the entire geeta����

  6. This is a great work indeed

  7. I only know about yuyutsu fight against kauravas n favour pandavas but never knew about Bikarn...


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